The pilots are the world's largest, pre-competitive effort by battery cell manufacturers to establish comparable battery…
The Global Battery Alliance (“GBA”), the world’s largest multi-stakeholder organisation to establish a sustainable battery…
The Global Battery Alliance (“GBA”) is proud to launch the Child Labour and Human Rights Rulebooks - the world’s first frameworks…
The Global Battery Alliance (“GBA”), is proud to launch its Greenhouse Gas Rulebook for calculating and tracking the greenhouse…
The Global Battery Alliance (GBA) today announced the publication of a new report, Closing the Loop on Energy Access in Africa,…
The Global Battery Alliance (GBA) today announced its 2021 Action Pledge to End Child Labour in the Battery Supply Chain,…
Batteries will be a major driver in reducing the carbon footprint of the transport and power sectors through the use of electric…
Businesses, international organizations and NGOs have joined forces to end child labour, hazardous working conditions, pollution…
The GBA brings together leading organizations along the entire battery value chain.